
Benefits of Facebook Pixel: Comprehensive Guide [2023]

Now let's dive into the benefits of Facebook Pixel.

Top Benefits of Facebook Pixel and What You Can Do With it Cartoon

Top Benefits of Facebook Pixel and What You Can Do With It

What is the Facebook Pixel and How Does it Work?

This article will go over the benefits of Facebook pixel and what you can do with it.

The Facebook Pixel is an important and helpful tool that every company should use to target its desired audience accurately. Many companies either do not use it or do not use it to its full potential. Which, by the way, is a huge mistake.

But, before I go into the importance and broad scope of things you can do with the Facebook Pixel, let's discuss what it actually is.

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that you put into your website to increase the interaction between the potential pool of customers and your company’s ads or popups. It follows conversions from ads, optimizes ads, shapes target audiences for upcoming ads, and redirects customers that have interacted with your site in the past to come back.

It lets you target online users with similar interests to your brand or people who have shopped your brand to maximize sales.

This is an example of what the Facebook Pixel code should look like:

[caption id="attachment_5944" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

Facebook Pixel Code Example Cartoon

Benefits of Facebook Pixel: Add Pixel[/caption]

I know the above image may be scary to a non-coder. However, you do not need to worry!

You do not need to be a pro-coder to use Facebook Pixel. It can be easily integrated with a standard hosting platform, such as Shopify, Wix, WordPress, etc.

And the best part is that Facebook Pixel is completely free!

Why is the Facebook Pixel Important?

The data collected by Facebook Pixel ensures that your ads are directed to and seen by the people who are most likely to interact with your ads positively. It offers you the information to customize your company’s website to target the custom audience you are selling to.

Without the Facebook Pixel you can’t optimize conversions or reach the full extent of accurately targeting the audience that will most likely interact with your site in your desired way.

Without the Facebook Pixel, you can track user actions such as engagement, link clicks, and limited impressions. But, with the Facebook Pixel, you can optimize these interactions and many others and turn them into conversations with potential clients.

While the Pixel can help you target previous customers who have already purchased from your site, it can also help you target potential clients that have viewed and maybe even clicked on your ad.

It can even help you redirect ads to shoppers that have viewed your site and maybe even added something to their cart but did not end up fulfilling your goal. Whether they got distracted, changed their mind, or forgot to complete the transaction, showing them the ad again can push them to revisit the site and complete the purchase.

Now that you’ve understood the importance of a Facebook Pixel, we highly recommend that you create one. You can check out our blog, How to create a Facebook Pixel, for step-by-step instructions on how to do so.

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Top Benefits of Facebook Pixel

Now let's dive into the benefits of Facebook Pixel.

The Pixel will make advertising on Facebook substantially more effective. Not only can you see who you are advertising to, but you can also see exactly how your ads are performing and which ads cause which users to complete a specific transaction.

The Facebook Pixel can help brands improve their ROI on ad expenditures. It allows you to build a more tailored ad strategy by giving a wide set of information to track your clients' actions. This information can help you build more effective ads based on real-time data, rather than guessing.

This improves your company’s ad conversion rate and improves your ROI.

Here are some examples of what the Pixel can tell you about your users:

  1. Which pages they visited
  2. How long they visited these pages for
  3. Which ads or popups they clicked on
  4. What device they used to browse your site
  5. When they visited your site
  6. What actions they took during those sessions
  7. If they put something in their cart but did not complete a purchase
  8. What they add to their cart/wishlist

Facebook delivers the actions and conversions the Pixel captures back to your server. Over time, Facebook will automatically become more efficient in presenting your ads to people who will interact with your site. Facebook will immediately report the action taken on your website back to you.

Facebook Pixel Cartoon

This allows you to know exactly what the customer saw that made them want to purchase from your company. This way, you can target this particular customer again in a Custom Audience.

What You Can Do With the Facebook Pixel

The options and capabilities you are given through utilizing the Facebook Pixel are endless.

In this section, I will outline and explain what you can do with the Pixel. But trust me, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

  1. Targeting Custom and Lookalike Audiences

The Facebook Pixel allows you to be able to tell when someone visits your site, what page they visited, when they visited, and how long they visited. With this information, you can target those who spent the most time browsing through your site, those who interacted with your site in the most meaningful way, or anyone who visited your site.

You can take this information and create custom audiences based on various lookalike groups. Meaning you can group people together who show similar interests in similar products.

You can advertise solely to the people who visited your page more than two times in the last thirty days,

Facebook Pixel Cartoon

Or you can advertise to the people who scrolled through your site the most,

The Facebook Pixel Cartoon

Or you can advertise to just the people who visited a certain page within the last 180 days.

The Facebook Pixel Cartoon

The Facebook Pixel allows you to do this and so much more to optimize your ads reach and outcome.

If you’re interested in learning more about lookalike audiences, check out this blog, Facebook Lookalike Audience: A Free How To Guide.

  1. Track Visitors Interaction with your Page(s)

The Pixel allows you to track visitors' interactions with your page to a much greater extent than any other tool. You can track all sorts of information regarding your users' interactions with your page, some of which were stated in the sections above.

Once you advertise to the pool of potential clients, the Pixel tracks their behavior and actions once they return to your site.

  1. Measure Cross-Device Conversions

A Cross-Device Conversion occurs when a potential client clicks on an ad on one of their devices and completes the conversion (transaction, sign up, subscription, etc) on another device.

An example of this would be if someone was scrolling through Instagram and an ad popped up that caught their attention. They click on the ad and browse through the company's website, then switch to their computer to keep scrolling and potentially purchase something.

This, you would not be able to measure with Google Analytics. However, you would be able to with the Facebook Pixel.

  1. Create a Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting is an advertising tool brands use to try and attract previous users back to their site when they did not complete a transaction the first time. It shows your ads to people who have already shown interest in your brand.

Say someone was browsing your products or services, put something in their cart, but instead of completing the purchase, they left the item in their cart. The company has no idea what happened between them adding the item to the cart and them leaving the cart altogether. One thing they can do is make an ad pop up on their screen with the exact item in their cart. These pop ups will make their interest in your site resurface.

There are endless explanations for why someone did not complete a purchase when they first visited your site. Retargeting gives them a reason to revisit it.

For many sites, only 2% of web traffic completes a transaction the first time around. Retargeting is meant to reach the other 98% of online users.  

  1. Optimize Conversions and Ads

The Facebook Pixel reports all conversions that happen with your site. The more conversions there are, the better the algorithm gets at defining the best audience to target. This optimizes conversions.

The Pixel helps you optimize ads and ad delivery by showing you exactly which ads were effective and which ones were not. It also shows you what audience responded the best to your ads, so that your company can adjust your ad strategy and, in turn, increase sales.

Facebook has systems implemented to help direct your ads to the right people. But, you can go even more specific by optimizing actions and have Facebook direct your ads to people who are most likely to complete a specific action.

Facebook Pixel Cartoon

Conclusion: The Pixel is the #1 Best Online Advertising Tool

Facebook Pixel is the best and most effective way to build your company’s advertising strategy and boost your sales.

It helps you save money by only showing your ads to people who have a genuine interest in your company and are more likely to purchase something from it. Facebook won’t show your ads to people who simply do not care or do not want to purchase something from you.

All in all, Facebook Pixel will help your company save money and increase sales. Who doesn’t want that?!

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