Analytic Dashboards

Visualize & share your data.

Say goodbye to manual reporting! Effortlessly share accurate real-time insights with stakeholders. Powered by Stiddle's accurate data.
What can I do with Analytic Dashboards?

In short, Analytic Dashboards allows you to . . .











Access realtime data for accurate reporting.

Get a clear view of all your marketing data and track performance metrics in real-time to make informed business decisions.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Build reports with the same data, in the same place.

Streamline your reporting in real time - make your analytics process seamless and efficient by having all your marketing data in one dashboard.

Build, customize, and share dashboards with clients and team members.

Streamline your reporting by sharing real-time marketing insights effortlessly with stake-holders through live URLs.
Dashboard mockup

Build dashboards from scratch or browse our templates.

Choose from a library of dashboard templates designed for different reporting objectives and customize them to fit your needs, or build your own dashboards from scratch without relying on templates.

Drag n’ drop metrics to customize your view.

Choose from a variety of widget options, including graphs and single metric cards, allowing you to create a custom and insightful dashboards.
Dashboard mockup

View blended metrics to make holistic decisions.

Easily view combined metrics across multiple ad channels, such as Blended ROAS or total ad spend, between multiple ad channels, like Facebook and Google, in a single, holistic view.

Add your logo and share live dashboard URLs with your team and clients.

Share live dashboard URLs with stakeholders, enabling them to access real-time analytics and insights while showcasing your business or clients' logo for a professional and customized experience.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Endless options - attribution windows, dates, filters & more.

Tailor your dashboards for data analysis with endless options. Choose your preferred attribution type, select specific date ranges, apply filters based on ad channels, objectives, conversion types, and more.

Attribution models for every use case - powered by AI.

Attribution data can be stored for up to 37 months, ensuring that even if a customer clicks an ad today but doesn't make a purchase until years later, the conversion can still be accurately attributed to the original ad.
Better Data

Better Data, Better Decisions

See how Stiddle makes your data even better.
Real-time Currency Conversion
Stiddle identifies currencies and checks real-time exchange rates for conversion upon every purchase.
Refund Tracking
Refunds are identified and can be deducted from attribution data to understand refund rates across different ads and keywords.
Bot & Crawler Detection
40% of the internet is filled with bot and crawler traffic - Stiddle identifies 3rd-parties and deducts them from insights automatically.

Endless Features


Generate reports, export PDFs, or share in Slack channels.


Build unlimited dashboards. Easily select between them.


Effortlessly make complex data comparisons.


Advanced metrics by default. No coding required.


Powered by Stiddle Pixel for the most accurate reports.

Get accurate insights from Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other ad channels with up to 100% attribution accuracy - all available within your dashboards.

Collaborate with your team or clients in real-time.

Easily share access with your team and clients by adding Space Members. You can grant them access to specific Workspaces and limit access to select Stiddle features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about Analytic Dashboards? We've got answers.
What data can I display in Dashboards?
Analytics dashboards can display both sales and ad channel connector data. You can select between your native ad channel metric data, attributed Stiddle Pixel data, and sales channel data. You can find a list of all Stiddle integrations, here.
Is it easy to manage multiple agency clients' data and build reports using Data Dashboards?
Yes, Stiddle's Analytics Dashboards are a great way to visualize your campaign and sales data with your team or clients.
Can I add my logo or my client's logo to different dashboards?
Yes, you can add your Workspace logo to each Analytics Dashboard. This allows for a professional and personalized experience.
Can I share my reports with my team or clients?
Yes, all Analytics Dashboards are hosted on Stiddle and can be shared using a live sharable URL. You can also share Workspace access with your team or clients, allowing them to view only Analytics.
How many dashboards can I build and share?
All Stiddle plans include the ability to build and share unlimited Analytics Dashboards.
What ways of visualizing data does dashboards have? Can I build graphs?
Stiddle Analytics Dashboards gives you the ability to display your data using widgets. Widgets include both graphs and single metric text data.