Stiddle Pixel

The cookieless tracking pixel for modern brands.

In the ever changing world of third-party privacy restrictions, the Stiddle Pixel helps keep track of every interaction a customer makes on your website - powered by Stiddle IRIS technology.
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What can I do with the Stiddle Pixel?

In short, the Stiddle Pixel allows you to . . .

Identify who your website visitors & customers are


Understand your customer's journey


Remain compatible with Google Cookies, Apple link tracking protection (IOS 17), & Facebook IOS 14






See a live activity feed for every website visitor & customer.

Keep track of every interaction, from page views to conversions, ensuring you have a clear understanding of visitor behavior and engagement throughout their journey.
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Identity Resolution with not only customers, but every single website visitor.

Each unique visitor is assigned a profile, allowing you to gain insights and track their interactions even before they make a purchase, enabling a comprehensive understanding of their journey and behavior.

Save up to 40% on ad spend with accurate ad tracking.

Stiddle's cookieless tracking ensures that you capture every conversion without relying on cookies, providing you with more reliable data to optimize your ad campaigns.
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Cookies Last 7-days,
IRIS Persists Up To 37-Months
Accuracy that lasts for months or years, even when cookies are cleared.
Architecture That
Scales With Your Brand
Stiddle is very scalable regardless of a brand's volume.
Every Touchpoint Collected, Identified, And Merged
Persistently identify and merge across different browsers, sessions, and devices - even on incognito.
Every Touchpoint Collected, Identified, And Merged
Persistently identify and merge across different browsers, sessions, and devices - even on incognito.
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The most persistent multi-device, browser, and domain tracking.

Get multi-device and channel attribution, enabling you to track visitors and customers across multiple devices and channels.

Extended attribution windows from 7-days to 37-months.

Attribution data can be stored for up to 37 months, ensuring that even if a customer clicks an ad today but doesn't make a purchase until years later, the conversion can still be accurately attributed to the original ad.
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No more IOS14/17 & third-party cookie tracking issues.

Stiddle's first party pixel uses 1:1 conversion accuracy, eliminating the need for 3rd party cookies and ensuring reliable, accurate data.

Easy installation. Literally just one snippet of code.

Quickly and effortlessly set up the Stiddle pixel on your website, allowing you to start tracking and attributing conversions in a matter of minutes.
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Attribution models for every use case - powered by AI.

Accurately measure impact across different points in the customer journey. Discover the true impact of your marketing performance with custom AI-powered attribution models trained on your brands data.

Stop bad data confusion.

Stiddle puts an end to the confusion caused by inaccurate data by increasing data accuracy by up to 40%, ensuring that you make informed decisions when it comes to scaling budgets and optimizing your campaigns for success.
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Access your Stiddle Pixel data throughout all Stiddle tools.

Access all your accurate and attributed ad data from various platforms like Facebook Ads and Google Ads in one convenient metric selector within Stiddle's suite of tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the Stiddle Pixel? We've got answers.
How does the Stiddle Pixel work?
The Stiddle Pixel is one snippet of tracking code you add to your website, every time a visitor clicks on an ad campaign or takes an action on your website, it is tracked and reported to Stiddle in real-time. This entire process is done using entirely first-party, cookie-less technology, giving you confidence with data accuracy.
Does the Stiddle Pixel still work after IOS14/IOS17 and 3rd party cookie changes from Google?
Yes, Stiddle works with both IOS14/IOS17 and 3rd party cookie restrictions. Stiddle uses 100% first party tracking, giving you complete transparency in your tracking.
How long does the Stiddle Pixel track my ads for?
Stiddle tracks your visitors for up to 37 months since their first touch point. For example, if a visitor clicks your ad, doesn't purchase, then visits your website 2 years later, Stiddle will know where the visitor originally came from.
How accurate is Stiddle's Pixel Attribution?
Using Stiddle's Pixel Attribution, Stiddle is able to track with up to 40% higher accuracy than your native ad platforms (like Facebook or Google Ads). Currently, native ad platforms track about 60% of all conversions. Stiddle bridges this attribution tracking gap, providing your with complete transparent data accuracy.
Is the Stiddle Pixel 100% first-party tracking?
Yes, Stiddle's Pixel Attribution uses first-party data tracking technology. No 3rd party cookies are used, meaning all of the data tracked by Stiddle - you own.
What can I do with the data that Stiddle Pixel tracks?
Stiddle Pixel data can be used in all of Stiddle's Visualize and Act features. These include: Campaign Manager, Analytics Dashboards, Smart Reporting, Channel Overlap, Audiences, and Stiddle Enrich - CAPI.